Ah it's been an age since I have blogged again! I'm so sorry, life just seems to be flying by, it's Monday and the next thing you know it's Saturday... do you know what I mean??
So, what to share....
OK so firstly I came across an absolutely fabulous blog last night which just gave me so much inspiration and is truly awesome! you just have to take a look, trust me if you like sewing, crafts, clothing basically anything cute then you will just love it. It has some wonderful tutorials which I just can not wait to try out and of course I will share my finished products with you.
Here is a little sneak peak of one of the cottage mama's creations

How quirky!
Next up... I am so excited for tomorrow because Molly Mo's and vintage triffles are having their annual holiday treasures show. These lovely ladies sell all kinds of vintage treasures and handcrafted items, if you live in Oregon it will most defiantly be worth a visit! you can find out all the information at:

After talking about everyone Else's creations I guess I should share some more of my own with you :)
Ever wondered what to do with an old sweater with holes in it? well I made this cushion using my husbands old holey cashmere sweater, and added a little vintage lace to finish it off.

What a fabulous way to recycle and get something new without spending a penny. Whilst sewing the cushion and feeling productive I decided to make another to complete the mini collection. For the second cushion I used linen for the main body and then cut out a head silhouette in felt and appliqued it on, soooo simple yet so sweet.

A little snap of a laptop sleeve I made for my shiny new apple mac :)

An old clipboard which I covered in modge podge and then covered with some vintage wallpaper which I bought at a vintage fair and then finish it off with another coat of modge podge on top. It's an extremely easy project which you should defiantly try at home!

And lastly completely random but I just have to share this photo of my Grandfather and his wife with you. I just think it's a wonderful photograph.